Great Public Schools for Every Student
Thank you for your interest in joining the NEA Aspiring Educators!
Who can enroll? Student Membership is available if you are enrolled in a postsecondary program that is preparatory for employment in a position that will make you eligible for Active (teacher) membership in the NEA.
When can I enroll? Enrollment for the current membership year is offered online from the start of the membership year, September 1, through the end of May. Beginning June 1, the online system accepts applications for enrollment for the next membership year, however you can still enroll for the current year by submitting a paper enrollment form and check payment. Contact your State Education Association or Aspiring Educators Representative if you need an enrollment form.
Membership Year and Benefits Coverage The current membership year, 2024-2025, runs from September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025. Benefits of current-year membership, including Employment Educators Liability insurance coverage, are effective from the date application is made with payment, through the end of the membership year. Certain benefits may apply retroactively from the beginning of the membership year; contact your State Education Association for details. For more information about benefits of NEA Aspiring Educators Membership: click here.
The next membership year, 2025-2026, runs from September 1, 2025 through August 31, 2026. Benefits of membership do not begin until September 1, even if you enroll before that date. If, after June 1, you are not a current-year member but need immediate proof of membership for insurance coverage, please submit a paper enrollment form for current-year membership.
Already a Member? Not Sure of your membership status? If you have enrolled/renewed your membership already and just want to print a proof of membership, or you do not recall whether you enrolled/renewed or are uncertain whether a recent enrollment attempt was completed successfully, please click
Otherwise, please complete the information below and click the "Continue" button.
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